Home Interior Decorating Create a Healthy and Restful Home with Scents & Sounds

Create a Healthy and Restful Home with Scents & Sounds

by Debbie Correale
Scents in a Restful Room

Scents are powerful as they can conjure up pleasant memories and favorite foods or tell us when something is “off.” What smell greets you when you walk into your home? In today’s article in my Create a Healthy and Restful Home series, our last topic covers scents and sounds in our homes. 

The first thing you will want to do is ensure the freshest scent in your home without adding any new scents.

5 Tips to remove unpleasant odors:

  1. Open your windows and air out your home.
  2. Dispose of all garbage and clean out trash bins.
  3. Clean your refrigerator and microwave frequently.
  4. If you use an air purifier or have one on your central air system, ensure the filter is clean and changed regularly.
  5. Minimize the use of strong-smelling cleaners.

There are several ways to use natural cleaners in your home; check out these DIY recipes or ways to use lemon in your cleaning.

In hospital settings, essential oils have been effectively used to reduce patients’ anxiety, which aids in their overall healing. Why not incorporate this into our homes? Start with your favorite essential oil scents, and keep it simple, meaning don’t have varying smells from room to room, or the result may be too much. 

You can easily make your own with a small glass vase and reed diffuser sticks; review these instructions to make yours. Or you can purchase an electric or battery-powered one that emits a water mist into the air scented with your favorite essential oil. If you want to use a candle to offer that fresh scent, review my article, Decorate with a Candle, before purchasing.

Music is another way that you can increase the restfulness of your home. When you walk into a spa, what do you hear? Usually, it’s peaceful nature sounds or ambient sounds that calm your brain, making you feel relaxed. Find or create your favorite playlist, set a low volume, and enjoy the peaceful sounds!

If you need help pulling a room together or need a fresh start, call me at 610-955-8202 or email me for a consultation.

By Debbie Correale, Redesign Right, LLC. Stay connected on FacebookInstagramPinterestHouzz, and LinkedIn. Feature photo licensed from Shutterstock.

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