Home Interior Redesign What is a Redesign?

What is a Redesign?

by Debbie Correale
Decorated Living Room

If you have been following me, you may have heard me speak about room or home redesign and refresh, and you may wonder what that process looks like. You may also question what Redesign Right can do for your home. If you feel uncomfortable or do not like a room or area of your home, there are redesign solutions!

Top 3 reasons I have heard why people are afraid to call for a Redesign Consultation:

  1. My furniture and accessories are not good enough.
  2. What could you do to help me? My house is hopeless.
  3. A consultation would be beyond my budget.

I understand those feelings; many clients have had similar thoughts and concerns about their homes. With a proven track record of successful redesigns, I can help you unlock your home’s true potential! Let me explain how I can help you:

What is the Redesign process?

The stress-free process:

  1. We start with a one-to-one consultation to establish your lifestyle, tastes, hopes, goals, and dreams.
  2. Together, we develop a “Design Plan” that evaluates what you already own, what may need to be purchased to complete the design, and paint colors.
  3. We discuss the priorities of the project, the time frame, and your budget.

Redesign Right services include:

  • Help with decorating a single room or an entire home.
  • Space planning helps you repurpose or use a room effectively for your lifestyle.
  • Recommendations for furniture arrangement, lighting, artwork, window treatments, accessories, rug or carpet selection, and finishing touches.
  • When renovating or remodeling a kitchen or bath, many choices need to be made; Redesign Right helps you choose the elements to ensure you will be happy with the result. 
  • Help with paint color and color scheme selection.

If you are interested or have questions in how I can help you and your home, call me at 610-955-8202 or email me for a consultation. Let Redesign Right help you make your home dreams come true!

By Debbie Correale, Redesign Right, LLC. Stay connected on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Houzz. Feature image licensed from Sheila Say | Shutterstock.

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