Home Interior Decorating Create a Healthy and Restful Home:  Accessories

Create a Healthy and Restful Home:  Accessories

by Debbie Correale
Decorating Living Room

In my Create a Healthy & Restful Home series this week, I focus on decorating with accessories and collections. One of the primary decorating issues I have seen is people displaying too many things in one area or at the same display level. Let’s review some ideas to keep things fresh and your home a visually relaxing and healthy place.

5 Tips for Creating a Restful Home using Accessories:

  1. Rotate your accessories seasonally or from one room to another. As you are moving items frequently, there will be less dust, and the look of a room will appear refreshed and attractive to the eye. (Dusting product tips from Consumer Reports.)
  2. Try not to over-decorate. What do I mean? When you place all the items you love together and clutter your bookcase with them, your eye (your brain) cannot see the things; they become a blur. Select a few items to display at a time.
  3. Always display your most cherished or important items with prominence!
  4. Use your vertical space effectively to display accessories and collections. Add floating shelves, a cabinet with glass doors to eliminate dust, or a bookcase. Vary the height of the accessories, so everything does not appear on the same level.
  5. Could your items be turned into wall art? Can they be framed? Shadow box frames allow you to frame various things interestingly. Select the same frame color for the group and ensure the depth of the shadow box is correct for your items. When organizing the wall display, have a goal in mind. Will you arrange it by color or by subject? I always suggest creating the layout on the floor in a taped-off area, taking a picture, and recreate on your wall.

Ideas for displaying small items and reducing dust:

The adage, “less is more” applies when decorating with accessories. I know you love your cherished accessories and collections and displaying them to be seen and appreciated adds a sense of calm and joy when you see them. Indeed, what better way to create a healthy home! If you need help pulling a room together, call me at 610-955-8202 for a consultation.

By Debbie Correale, Redesign Right, LLC. Stay connected on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Houzz, and LinkedIn. Feature photo owned by Debbie Correale.

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