Home Interior Decorating 3-Step Plan to Reclaim Your Space

3-Step Plan to Reclaim Your Space

by Debbie Correale
Cozy Setting Reclaim Space

Depending on how long you have lived in your home, the original needs of your space may have changed. If you find this is true for you, it is time to reclaim your space and make it useful and beautiful!

Follow this 3-step plan to reclaim your space:

Step 1:  What is the function?

Determine the end goal for your space. Have you always wanted an organized home office, craft room, or perhaps a peaceful reading area? Create a list of possible functions.

Step 2:  What are the requirements for this new space?

A discussion may be required with all household members to determine the requirements or needs of the new space. After taking inventory of the possible items that will go into this newly reclaimed area, create a list of what will go into this new space.

Step 3:  What is the investment?

What do you need to buy to fulfill your end goal? You may not own everything you need to accomplish the goal; however, you can create your plan and get the space ready for the future purchase. Also, consider how you want to decorate your new space; this is part of the investment. 

Next Steps?

Give your space a fresh paint color and decorate the room! I suggest picking an inspiration piece that you want to include in your room and determine the color palette from that item. Have fun with this process!

If you need help picking out your color palette, furniture, or room layout give me a call 610-955-8202 or email for a consultation to create the perfect space for you!

By Debbie Correale, Redesign Right, LLC. Connect on Facebook Redesignright, Instagram Redesignright, Pinterest, Houzz, LinkedIn. Feature photo from Pixabay.

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