Home Interior Decorating How to Hang Artwork

How to Hang Artwork

by Debbie Correale

One question I frequently hear from clients is how to hang artwork properly. There are some simple guidelines to ensure the proper balance that you can follow. These guidelines will help you create a look that you will be happy viewing in your home.

Suggestions for How to Hang Artwork:

  1. Pick a theme for a group of pictures; for example, colorful florals, black and white photos, landscapes, or people pieces can be grouped.
  2. Frames and mats – Use frames similar in color or matching. If using mats, use the same color mats for all the pieces.
  3. Plan the size – If displaying over a piece of furniture, the item or the grouping should not extend over what it hangs over. Use one large element or create the illusion of a large piece by grouping smaller pieces.

Tips on Creating the Perfect Display

  • Clients often want to display all their family photos, and there are too many. I refer to this as eye clutter, and it can be challenging as the eye does not discern what it is viewing. I recommend picking a few photos you love and featuring them, changing them out periodically using the same photo color scheme.
  • Use same-themed pieces in same-colored frames and mats.
  • Understanding the size of artwork required in a space is worth researching. I often see a small piece hanging over an oversized couch.
  • The same concept can work with treasured items where you blend similar colors with artwork or framed mirrors. Start by measuring the space that you are trying to fill. Next, use easy-to-remove painter’s tape on the floor, grab your tape measure, and lay out the frame size. Once you create the outline, lay the pieces inside the frame, allowing 2-3″ variance around each piece to create a gallery. Snap a picture of the final layout on the floor to ensure you have a copy of your plan that you can reference. The next step is copying to your wall.

For all your interior design and decorating needs, call me at 610-955-8202 for a consultation.

By Debbie Correale, Redesign Right, LLC. Stay connected on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Houzz. Feature photo owned by Debbie Correale.

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