Home Tips and Ideas Tips for College Dorm or Apartment

Tips for College Dorm or Apartment

by Debbie Correale

It’s that time of year when kids are getting ready to move into their college dorm or apartment. Are you ready? Having had four kids go through this, I consider myself a pro at this process and want to help all of you who may be facing this for the first time. First, take a deep breath; it will all work out! I promise.

Think Storage and Organization

There may be limited space in a dorm room, and the goal is to create organized storage and maximize space. Purchase bed risers to create storage under the bed. Check out the school’s website, or contact the housing department for the bed dimensions. (Generally, a twin is 39 “x75”, and an XL Twin is 39 “x80”.) Bed risers can add up to 8″ of storage space, enough for a couple of under-the-bed storage containers for clothes, snacks, etc. A bedside caddy serves as a night table and can be easily attached to the bed.


Dorm rooms generally have fluorescent overhead lights, and who wants that on at 2 am? Use a clamp-on light such as this LED clamp spotlight from IKEA, which is inexpensive and available in multiple colors. Purchase two and clamp to either side of the headboard for maximum light when needed.


Some colleges offer safes in the room or safe rentals for your college student’s valuables. For room dividers and security options, DormCo offers products. If moving into an apartment, you may wish to contact your insurance company if you need renter’s insurance.


Your decorating elements must be removable in a college dorm room or apartment. Fortunately, there is much variety in removable wallpaper and removable hanging options from 3M to help you!

  • Tempaper, Chasing Paper, Target, and Wayfair all offer removable wallpaper. You can use it as a backdrop for pictures, a design on a plain wall, or outline a door; let your creative ideas go on this one!
  • Use Washi Tape, a peel-and-stick tape that can be easily removed, to create frames or designs anywhere.
  • Hang things using 3M wall hangars that are not permanent.

I hope the transition goes well for both you and your college student!

For all your home decorating, home staging, or color consultation needs, call Debbie at 610-955-8202 or email.

By Debbie Correale, Redesign Right, LLC. Stay connected on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Houzz. Feature photo licensed from iStockPhoto.

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