Home Interior Decorating 8 Ways to Add Glamour to Your Home

8 Ways to Add Glamour to Your Home

by Debbie Correale
Add Glamour to your decor

This weekend the 91st Academy Awards Ceremony will be held, and I was thinking how fun would it be to write about adding a touch of glamour or red-carpet feel to your home decorating style. You don’t have to be over-the-top to add a flash of glam! When you think glamour words like plush, rich, and sparkle may all come to mind. Let’s have some fun!

8 ways you can add a touch of glam to your home:

  1. Add a beautiful chandelier with glass crystals to any room for sparkle and flash.
  2. Add a mirror-framed mirror to add sparkle.
  3. Add extra sparkle by using mirrored furniture items.
  4. Add a luxurious white faux fur throw.
  5. Add a touch of metallic and fur by layering pillows.
  6. Add a plush area rug.
  7. Add touches of black and gold.
  8. Add sparkle! You can keep it simple and add sparkle in small ways; such as use a mirrored tray, metallic and glass vases or lamps. Or combine multiple elements to a room and let the sparkle shine!
Redesign Right, LLC

Have fun watching the awards; I wonder who will win an Oscar? If you need help trying to mix styles or add elements to your decorating, give me a call 610.955.8202 or email to schedule your appointment.

By Debbie Correale, founder and owner of Redesign Right, LLC. You can learn more about her at RedesignRight.com. Find her on Facebook.com/RedesignRightTwitter@RedesignRightLinkedInPinterestHouzzGoogle+ and Instagram. Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash.

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